It's Sunday morning and I am getting ready for church. Not because it is required of me or that I feel guilty, it is because I love to hear what the Lord wants to tell me today. Where two or three are gathered together, there am I in the midst. Jesus tells us this in his word. There is a difference in praying by yourself. Yes, the Lord hears you when you pray, but when he is with you that is so much better. He gives you a feeling of peace that cannot be explained in words. I hope you will try to give church a chance if you have not ever gone before. At church, you gain a different type of family, that are all there for the same purpose. Try to find a Bible preaching, God fearing church and you can't go wrong. I hope you have a blessed day for I plan too. God has blessed me in so many ways that I cannot name or mention. Thank you God, for your blessings on me. You gave me life that I might enjoy all things. You gave me air to breath, food to eat and love unimaginable.
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