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Thursday, March 1, 2012

My book Southern Adventures is currently in the production phase.  Here is the Synopsis:

     Kay Harrison is a forty year old woman recalling her life.  Her son is leaving for the Air Force and she is questioning her reason for living.  She remembers the fond memories she had as a child, and later the trials that she overcame. Then she recalls some bad times, when her daughter Leah had seizures.  She recalls the torment she had, when she worried about her child.  
     She wished that she could return to that time, when she was a child.  She knew that she wasn’t as young as she once was.  She met people from all walks of life.  She wished, she was that young twenty year old getting married.  Or, that young girl, that just had a baby.  Kay missed her life as a teenager going on her first date.  But, she knew she could never return to those days. 
     Her life was not always easy, but it molded her into the woman she was.  She felt at peace with herself. She searched hard for the meaning of her life.  Kay remembered times when she had prayed and asked God for certain things in her life.  She suddenly felt comforted.  She was glad that he left some prayers unanswered. She thought about, what kind of life would she have had, if she received everything she wanted.  She knew that she would not have met her wonderful husband.  She would not have two wonderful children.  She would not have graduated from college, and became a nurse.  
     She felt very blessed by her life.  She cried tears of joy.  She enjoyed living her life, every second of it. There was not one thing in her life, that she regretted.  She knew that all the bad things, made the good things better.  They molded her into the person that she was.  She was happy and content with her life, and felt at peace. 

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