Blurp: Southern Adventures is a book about a woman remembering her life growing up in Alabama. She recalls fond memories she had as a child and some trials that she overcame. It is a fiction-coming of age book that will keep you on your toes. Kay is a mischievous, adventurous child that enjoys spending time outside roaming the neighborhood and climbing the bluffs near her grandmother's house. She grows into a young woman who faces tragedy, trials, and mishaps along the way. She later marries a man who she barely knew, because she felt like he was sent by God to her. Kay's life was not always easy, but it molded her into the woman she was. She realized that some prayers were left unanswered for a reason. God knew exactly what he was doing by not allowing Kay to have some of the things that she had asked for. Kay later realized this when she looked back at her life and seen all the blessings that God had given her.
Southern Adventures is also available for purchase on my website. in soft cover or E book format.

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