Alan Brenham is the author of Price of Justice, a crime thriller. Read more about him and his new book in our interview below.
Would you tell the readers a little bit about yourself:
I served as a law enforcement officer before earning a law degree then working as a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney for twenty-two years. My travels took me to several European and Middle Eastern countries, Alaska and almost every island in the Caribbean. I resided in Germany for a few years. Now my wife, Lillian, and I currently live in the Austin, Texas area.
Which project are you currently promoting?
I’m promoting my crime thriller, Price of Justice.
Can you tell us what the book is about?

How did you come up with the title for this book?
From the story, both protagonists pay a price to achieve their view of justice - the detective’s goal being the solution of the murders; the grieving mother’s goal being revenge. I won’t give away what each has to endure to reach their goal.
What inspired you to write this book?
It’s loosely based on all the molestation cases I handles as a detective, as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney.
What can you tell us about your main characters?
Detective Jason Scarsdale got a crash course in raising a young daughter while balancing his case load and dealing with his growing interest in a female police analyst.
Dani Mueller was the analyst who relocated from California with a life-threatening secret that arose after the savage murder of her daughter. When trouble came her way, hell always seemed to follow close behind.
Tom Zarko was a construction worker with a craving for very young girls and a mean streak he couldn’t control.
A crooked police manager who was the leader of a porn ring and who did anything he could to stop Scarsdale’s investigation. He’ll have to remain unnamed to maintain the mystery.
Did you have to do any research in order to help you with the writing of this book?
Yes, I consulted with a crime lab director, a homicide sergeant and a crime scene expert.
What made you decide to become a writer?
I loved reading crime novels so, after I retired from the government, at my wife’s urging, I began writing.
What genre do you generally write?
I write crime thrillers.
Are you interested in writing other genres?
At first, I considered horror and Sci-Fi, but felt that I was better suited to write crime thrillers.
Do you follow a routine when you begin to write a scene or chapter?
I outline the plot, write life histories for my characters, and research possible issues with certain scenes.
How long does it usually take for you to write a book?
Price of Justice took one year. I’m hoping my next book, Cornered, doesn’t take more than six months.
Do you have a general idea of what direction you want the plot to take ahead of time or does it come to you as you write?
I generally know the direction I want to go with the story but plot twists do come to mind during the writing process.
Have you ever had second doubts about a story you’ve written?
Not at all.
Are there any authors you admire?
I read a lot of novels written by David Baldacci, John Sandford, James Patterson, Michael Connelly, J.A. Jance, and Andrea Kane.
What other projects are you currently working on?
My next novel, Cornered, will be about a Temple PD detective assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearances of two men and two women before a fifth victim is taken.
Did you self-publish? If not, is that something you will be willing to consider in the future?
I self-published Price of Justice.
What is your least favorite part about getting published?
The least favorable part was the back-and-forth with the publishing agency over formatting.
What are you doing to promote your work?
I’ve joined a number of online author groups like Goodreads and posted information about Price of Justice, got good reviews about the book, and my family members are also promoting the book by word of mouth.
Where can the readers find more information about you?
I have a website under my pen name, Alan Brenham; ,
an Alan Brenham Facebook page and a LinkedIn page.
Price of Justice is available on Amazon at:
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