I look around as I sit at my desktop writing this blog post and think about writing and what it means to me. I really can't explain it in one simple blog post. All I can say is writing has meant more to me over the last year than it has ever meant. Yes, I wanted to be a writer when I was younger and wrote short stories, poetry, etc.. The desire of writing is not the fulfillment of having a completed work that others look at and buy. If it were, I wouldn't take time to write a blog because it takes time away from writing my manuscript. I believe this year I have learned more about the writing process and how to make the words flow much easier.
As a young child, I was really quiet. I didn't speak a lot in school and never had lots of friends. It wasn't because I didn't like people or they didn't like me. It was simply that I enjoyed my thoughts. I would get lost in my own thoughts and it made it hard to focus on schoolwork or time needed to make new friends. As an adult, I would say that I am a lot like I was as a child. I am married and have two children. That is where any extra time is spent. I have met lots of other authors along the way and they have been more of a friend to me than people I see everyday. I guess the concept of having something in common is what I enjoy talking to them about.
To get back to the discussion, each writer has their own reasons for writing. Some may look at it as a means of escape, others as a way to express themselves, or to complete a work of art. I agree with all of these reasons but to me I see it as a gift. A gift is usually shared with others instead of hidden in a closet. So I want to share my gift with you and hopefully you will enjoy my writing. To see my books or to learn more about me, visit my website at: http://Tracykauffman.com.
My latest work is Southern Attraction. A YA romance.

To read an excerpt, click here.
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