Would you tell the readers a little bit about yourself:
When I am not writing I love to be outside and love to be with my animals. I have to 6 month old liver spotted Dalmatian/ chocolate lab mixes.
‘Firefighter Down, District One’ is the beginning of the series for the ‘District One Stand By:’ series.
Which project are you currently promoting?
‘Firefighter Down, District One’
Can you tell us what the book is about?
Life isn't promised. When the tones go off you never know who needs you the most or even worst, who will you set your own life down for. My father was a captain who set his life down for me in a fire. Now it is my duty to find out how that fire started and who started it. The guy that killed my father didn't just kill him in a normal way, he him with his worst nightmare. My father wasn't killed by a gang shooting or an accident, he was killed in the most painful way this person knew how to kill my father. He unleashed the animal on him and myself. I am not talking about an animal like a wild or domestic animal, I am talking about the elemental animal, the one known as fire. Fire is a living breathing thing that destroys and hates. By day and trade my father was a mechanic, but by blood he was a firefighter. He may not have been the president, but he was my hero. I was proud to say my hero wore bunker pants. I always wanted to catch the guy that killed my father...
The great thing about the series is the fact part of the proceeds go to the 9/11 Fund and the National Fallen Firefighter Fund.
How did you come up with the title for this book?
It was originally ‘District One Stand By: The Captain’s Case’ which reflected the fire district and the main character’s father’s case, Captain Andrew Spadoni, who died in a fire. ‘Firefighter Down, District One’ is what the publishing company and I came up with to rename it.
What inspired you to write this book?
I was inspired by my father being a firefighter for fifteen years. I got to be around the fire station a lot growing up and thought of it as my second home. The men and women that I knew on the fire stations were wonderful and I wanted to be able to capture that.
What can you tell us about your main characters:
Catisha Spadoni is my main character. She is determined to solve the case of her father. She wants to know who the arson was and why. Her godfather, a fire marshal, makes it impossible for her to study in Maine at the Fire academy so she ends up going out of state to do so, and returning as an officer.
Danny and Pat Jackson - These two brothers are often fighting with each other, but also the main characters since Catisha thinks of them as family.
Jason- her boyfriend and firefighter.
Billy Jackson- Danny and Pat’s father and Catisha’s father figure.
Did you have to do any research in order to help you with the writing of this book?
I did A LOT of research for this book. I worked very closely with a bunch of firefighters that helped me get the answers that I needed. I was very honored by this and I cherish these moments of learning what it is like for them.
What made you decide to become a writer?
I love to write! I decided to do young children books at first and then I wanted to dip my hand into adult fiction, which I decided it to be a firefighter fictional book. I thought it was great.
What genre do you generally write?
I write childen and teen fantasy/ fiction and also adult fantasy/ fiction. I have done a bit of horror in articles.
Are you interested in writing other genres?
I try to stay away from nonfiction. I don’t like to write that.
Do you follow a routine when you begin to write a scene or chapter?
Yes and no. I look at anything that grabs my attention from fire magazines, fire newspapers or calls that have come in. I will then look around and say to myself ‘I wonder if this happened…’ Then it is the beginning of me typing away. There is no strict schedule.
How long does it usually take for you to write a book?
1 year to six months, sometimes less depending on the word count and how many pages are in the book.
Do you have a general idea of what direction you want the plot to take ahead of time
or does it come to you as you write?
Most of the time I keep going as I write. I do roughly know what is going to happen, but I keep twisting it through the chapters.
Have you ever had second doubts about a story you’ve written?
Not really.
Are there any authors you admire?
Ray Bradbury, James Patterson
What other projects are you currently working on?
‘District One: On the Bleeding Edge of Change’ which is coming out in three months ( it is in the publishing process now) and writing ‘District One Stand By: Love Beyond the Flame’
Did you self-publish? If not, is that something you will be willing to consider in the future?
I did self publish and some day I would love to go back and do it again, but for now I am with a publisher and that is working for me.
What is your least favorite part about getting published?
I think the marketing would be that part. I didn’t realize that the author has to do a lot of marketing for the book. I thought the publisher did this when I was in college. I am now to the point I don’t mind it though.
What are you doing to promote your work?
I am doing everything I can from face book, to blogs, websites, free advertisement sites, everything I can really!
Where can the readers find more information about you?
www.facebook.com/blaizenolynnefanI update at least twice a day on there, plus fans will write in or send pictures that are posted.
My books are available at
Barnes and Noble (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/firefighter-down-district-one-blaize-nolynne/1110616925)
Publish America (directly through the publishing house)
Books a Million online bookstore also carries it as well as most bookstores can order it since it is also on Ingram.
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