Would you tell the readers a little bit about yourself? Born in the cotton fields of Arkansas. Delivered newspapers from age 5 to 14 in our small southern town of Clarksville, Arkansas where I grew up.
Age the age of eleven, my father passed away. My mother remarried four years later and moved us to California. It was a culture shock for a young southern man arriving in the big city of Los Angeles, from knowing everyone in town to not knowing anyone but relatives. I still recall the day after I arrived; I had the big idea I would walk around the city like I did my hometown; what a shock. It didn't happen!
Worked in Management in the metals Industry for thirty years before retiring. (Plant Manager and etc.).
Married, with seven children and twenty-one grandchildren. My wife Sammi after reading my first books pushed me to get them published, she thought they were good stories. She is my biggest supporter, critic and saleslady.
I started writing in 1987 seriously after going for a walk to relax me from a difficult day at work. Having seeing the riots in LA and seeing all that on TV, I wondered what would happen if a nuclear bomb ever hit LA. That was when the Lightning in the Tunnel series was born.
Since writing the series while writing book eight of the series, a thought came to me about writing something different so I had the idea of "T.T. Gristman" also Book eight (A Need for Lightning) spawned the idea of an Alien coming to Earth, hence "A Stranger comes Crawling"
Brandi's Nightmare was another book I was working on at the time, I originally work that in long hand and when I put it on the computer, I up dated it as I am going. It was put on the backburner so I could get T.T. and A Stranger comes crawling published.
Which book are you currently promoting? A Stranger Comes Crawling!

The Alien, (Calling herself Holly) uses her mind to power their escape raft by calling dolphins and whales to help them escape. She has the birds come and feed them out on the open Gulf waters.
Things get more complicated when her female parent, called Tee`ra meaning ruler arrive on Earth. Holly has no idea what emotions are; on her planet there are no emotions. She likes laughter, love and other human emotions. The arrival of Tee`ra made Holly think that they need to get off this planet before her mother tries to take over the planet with her powerful mind.
Rip finds himself along with others on their way to another world where he finds the all-powerful Minds rule!
How did you come up with the idea for this book? I came up with the idea while writing A need for Lightning wondering what would happen if an Alien came to Earth!
Where did you come up with the title of the book from? The title came up when I was going to have the Alien crawl out of the craft with Ripley standing there in awe!
What can you tell us about your main characters? My main character is Ripley (Rip) with sandy blonde hair and blue eyed nineteen year old going to start college that fall. He learns about life but doesn't know why he wanted to marry the Alien until later on or understand his actions.
Holly, the Alien lands on Earth and the first person she meets is Rip, he is attracted to her naked body. Through his eyes she sees that she looks funny with no facial hair, not even eyebrows or eye lashes, so she has her body to grow them. Her eyes were clear looking like diamonds, she needed to project they had color so she would fit in. Which she did, projecting his blue eye color. Coming from a world that has stamped out all emotions, Holly finds she likes laughter, love and other human emotions. Holly took her name after reading Rip's mind that was the name of his last girlfriend. She has jet black hair on her head and as Rip observed, no body hair anywhere.
Sally, the thirty-two year old dyed blonde green eyed woman that leads them in learning how to survive and stay out of sight after befriending them. She never asked herself why she did offer to him them and take them with her.
Denise, a twenty four year old natural blonde blue-eyed wife of Sally that went along with whatever Sally said.
Tee`ra, the parent of Holly that refused to pretend to be human but after the death of Sally, she finds she must pretend to be human until they could get off the planet. Her mind was so powerful but she was emotionless like others of her kind.
Did you have to do any research in order to help you with the writing of this book? Not much research was needed, just a good mind and used my metal background in creating the alien craft.
What genre do you generally write? Simple SiFi
Are you interested in writing other genres? I jump genre to fit whatever book I write. Like now, I'm working on another (Two) SiFi's, a mystery and a western Fictions!
Do you follow a routine when you begin to write a scene or chapter? I follow a routine each day. I sit looking out the window or on the exercise machine writing my next few pages. Then go to my computer to write.
How long does it usually take for you to write a book? Usually about four months to write a book unless I get side tracked on writing another story when it pops in my mind.
Do you have a general idea of what direction you want the plot to take ahead of time? Only the first series did I have an idea where I was going, mostly I let the characters lead me as situations and other things occur.
Have you ever had second doubts about a story you’ve written? Yes, I sometimes after I complete them I proof them and see that the story is boring or bogs down and doesn't make sense so I have to go back and make changes
Are there any authors you admire? There are several I admire. I grew up with Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clark. I love Jean Auel and F. M. Busby and the list goes on!
What other projects are you currently working on? I am currently working like usual three books, a sifi called, Chronicles of the Marauder, a mystery called Brandi's Nightmare and another sifi called, Planet of the Midnight Mists where the aliens are humans. On the back burner is my western called Saddle Spur!
Did you self-publish? If not, is that something you will be willing to consider in the future? Yes, I am self published for most books!
What is your least favorite part about getting published? All the marketing work takes up my time that I could be using writing!

What are you doing to promote your work?
A lot of blogging from two different sites every other day.
Where can the readers find more information about you? Readers can find out more about me on my website
Http://www.sites.google.com/site/booksbyagmoye and my authors page that I just got changed to show A.G. Moye on Amazon. also on Facebook.com/A.G.Moye.
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